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Mini Halloween in Summer The summer may have just started a few days ago, but we’ve always got Halloween on the brain. Judging by some of the comments that you have left recently, we’re not the only ones. Robin and G.Tischer got bit by the Halloween bug this June, while Ivey has been pining away since February.

Don’t worry Halloweenies, we’ve got just the solution. Why wait for October when you can have a mini Halloween any day of the year?

Posted on June 23rd, 2008 in
Site News by Lauren

Friday the 13thHappy Friday the 13th, Halloween fiends! This is indeed the final Friday the 13th before Halloween so – depending on your interpretation of the phenomenon – make the most of this lucky/unlucky day. In April of 2007 we explored the history and some of the affects that this spooky day has wrought over the years. Today we’ll see if anything truly notable has happened on a Friday the 13th… and watch for any mayhem that might occur today.

According to Wikipedia, there have been some pretty black events that support the idea that it’s an “unlucky” day: from fire to plane crashes to a hurricane, and even the death of Tupac. I scoured the Internet and couldn’t find more than that handful of “notable” unlucky events though.

Do you think that indicates a trend, that it really is an unlucky day? Or is it just coincidence? For my money, it’s just another day that will turn out as spooky or as awesome as I want it to be. (And maybe an excuse to see The Happening.) What do you think?

And congrats to our In Case of Zombies contest winners! There were so many good entries that we gave away more prizes than we originally announced. Thanks to everyone who participated!

Posted on June 13th, 2008 in
Odds and Ends by Lauren

in case of zombies shirt at Threadless
Contest time! Threadless has reprinted the In Case of Zombies t-shirt… for a second time! To celebrate, we’re giving away one of these awesome shirts to a lucky reader.

To enter, leave a comment and tell us what’s your zompocalypse plan? Will you head for an island or join the ranks of the undead?

Zombie Escape Plan journal We want to encourage some creativity so one killer entry will win a Zombie Escape Plan journal to chronicle their ideas. Thanks to zombie lover and Etsy seller ChristineRenee for donating this awesome handmade journal! Be sure to check out her store for more zombie goodies. Sorry guys, but this contest sponsor flaked on us so no journals. But never fear, we’re sending out surprise packs for Kevin & Rick that will be way cooler.

The shirt says ‘Zombies have difficultly moving quickly’, but this contest is a little more speedy. It runs from June 1 – 10, 2008 so you have 10 days to calculate a plan and share it with your fellow survivors. Good luck boils and ghouls!

We Have Our Winners!

  • Julie won the grand prize of an In Case of Zombies shirt from Threadless
  • Kevin & Rick each won a Zombie Escape Plan journal for their creative entries. We couldn’t decide between the two so we called it a tie.

Thanks to everyone for entering!

Boring Fine Print: One entry per person (IPs are logged, no cheating!). US residents only. T-shirt winner will be chosen at random. Journal winner will be selected on creativity and effort. Threadless doesn’t restock sizes so if they run out of the one(s) you want… we’ll figure out a good alternative. Be sure to use a valid e-mail address so we can contact you if you win. Your privacy is important and no one but 365Halloween.com will have access to your e-mail address.

Posted on June 1st, 2008 in
Site News, Zombies by Lauren
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