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Since many of our visitors discover 365 Halloween by way of searching for costumes, here’s round 2 of the Last Minute Halloween Costume Ideas. If you and your honey still haven’t decided what to be, read on for some quick inspiration. If you don’t have time to put a costume together yourself, there’s still time to order from Buy Costumes and shipping is free on orders $60+.

John Lennon and Yoko Ono couple costume
John Lennon and Yoko Ono: With decent accessories, you don’t have to resemble John or Yoko to make a convincing costume. The Wedding Album outfits might be even easier to reproduce if you have a lot of white in your closet.

Richie and Margot Tenenbaum couple costume
Richie and Margot Tenenbaum: You’ll find everything you need at your local thrift store, and about a week of not shaving. Don’t forget your wooden finger (I hear cardboard works in a pinch) and tennis racket.

Casey and Scream couple costume
Casey and Scream Killer: Not a traditional couple, but a Halloween favorite nonetheless. This is another couple costume that can probably be shopped for exclusively at a thrift store. Add a little gore and a big old cordless phone.

Zombie Bride and Groom couple costume
Zombie Bride and Groom: We’ve said it before: zombie costumes can have any theme. Zombie outbreaks can happen anywhere, even at a wedding. Old wedding gowns and suits are cheap and plentiful, so get yourself a bottle of stage blood and get to splattering!

Mooninites couple costume
Mooninites: Some foamboard, hot glue, fluorescent paint, and blistering insults will make you want to write dis costume rulez #1 into a car with your key.

Morticia and Gomez couple costume
Morticia & Gomez Addams: For the highly amorous, raven haired couple, the Addams Family make perfect costume choices. If you can’t find a pinstripe suit, try the smoking jacket version; always have a cigar, though. A fencing foil or Thing make great accessories.

Fallen Angel & Devil couple costume
Fallen Angel & Devil: A sinister little twist on the standard angel/devil couple costume. Why can’t you both be a little naughty on Halloween?

Meg and Jack White Stripes couple costume
Meg & Jack White Stripes: Alternating red and white t-shirts and bottoms, dark wigs. You are ready to rock.

Brangelina and Posh + Becks couple costumes
Brangelina or Posh & Becks: Looking for the most unintentionally ridiculous costume possible? Be a celebrity couple! There’s even a Posh Wig in blonde or brunette if you don’t have that funky asymmetrical haircut.

*Sorry for being so gender specific with “couple” costume ideas (with the exception of the Mooninites). Check out our same sex couple costume ideas for friends and gay couples.

Posted on October 24th, 2007 in
Halloween Costumes by Lauren

One Response to 'Fairly Easy Couple Costume Ideas'

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  1. Dorian Williams said:

    I used the costume kingdom gallery to find costumes for my kids and especially for me and my husband. I looked at some of their couple costumes and they really are great. We ended up going as the Zombie Prom Queen and the Zombie Prom king. I just thought I’d bring up the website since it really did help us find our costumes!

    on November 13th, 2007

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