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costume foam armorWhen making costumes, there are usually many versions you can create, varying from easy and cheap to labor-intensive and bank-breaking. For costume armor, the most authentic replicas are made with plastic, fiberglass, sheet metal: all requiring a bit of skill and special supplies as well as being a little dangerous. Kudos to anyone who takes on that challenge, but for the rest of us there’s Armor For the Fiberglass-Phobic. The unlikely material of Craft Foam (available at Joann or any craft store) gets transformed into good looking, movable armor and accessories, and just about anyone can do it. For an even more detailed explanation of the process, check out Using EVA Foam for Costume Accessories, Hats & Headpieces. Want an even easier foam costume? A 2D costume looks awesome and can be made in less than an a couple hours.

Posted on March 25th, 2007 in
Halloween Costumes by Lauren

2 Responses to 'Costume Idea: Craft Foam Armor'

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  1. Kristin said:

    I have used this method before, and it was my first time doing anything like that. I used the process used for the Helm’s Deep armor.
    When I was done, it turned out really nice. I wore it in a costume contest at a convention, and I won!
    The only thing I have against my armor now is that if I had practiced it first, the proportioning would have been better.
    I recommend this method to anyone who needs a good looking, easy piece of armor.

    Oh, also, if you are trying to make form fitting armor, I recommend using aluminum foil as a base, and then covering it with duct tape (or anything else that you think will work). It works really well for kids costumes.
    Tip: Don’t make the foil thin and smooth. For best results, make it as thick as you can by wrinkling it up and layering it.

    on September 26th, 2007

  2. Gigasgate said:

    Another good option is to look for those blue oleolfin camping pads in the camping goods section of certain department stores – they’re sold in rolls for about $6 each and are about 2 1/2 feet wide by 6 feet across and almost a full inch thick (You want the flat one, not the ‘eggshell’ one) – they respond really well to hot glue and can be carved and fused in to a variety of shapes. The only downside is that it is a pain to paint on – I cover mine with cloth and the thinner craft foam.

    on September 21st, 2007

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