With just 2 days left until Halloween there are spooky events everywhere! It may not be the weekend yet, but you could still spend the remaining days and nights going to haunts, pumpkin patches, and a vicious variety of Halloween events. Not sure what’s going on in your area? Here are some websites that will help you get your spook on no matter where you live.
Looking for some specific spooky fun?
Haunted Attractions range from amateur haunts in your neighbors front yard to huge haunted mazes created by the pros. Major cities usually have a handful of options, but smaller towns also have their share of events, too. Check out HauntedHouse.com for one in your neighborhood.
You haven’t carved your jack-o-lanterns yet? Get thee to a pumpkin patch! These kid friendly events – pumpkin patches, corn maze, hayrides, etc. – make a great day trip for the family or a trick-or-treating alternative. You can spend some time outside in the crisp Autumn air and partake in fair-like activities such as face painting, bounce houses, and petting zoos.
For a scare from the other side, visit a truly haunted house. RealHaunts.com has an extensive list of haunted places ranging from houses, businesses, schools, bridges, places in nature, and yes even cemeteries. Users can submit suggestions for haunted places as well as leave comments and stories about their experiences.
What are you doing on Halloween?
Drop a comment and let us know…
omg this site is so cool
on September 28th, 2009