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Happy Halloween 2008

The Big Day is finally here, Halloweenies! The wait is over and we made it to Halloween 2008. And it’s a FRIDAY no less! How lucky are we? However you celebrate this magical day – in costume, watching scary movies, eating candy, scaring the kids, partying until the sun comes up – have fun and stay safe!

Remember to take millions of pictures and come back tomorrow to share your stories and photos. On Saturday the calendar will say November, but it’s always October 31st at 365 Halloween!

So how are you spending Halloween 2008?
Leave a comment and let us know!

Posted on October 31st, 2008 in
Site News by Lauren

3 Responses to 'Happy Halloween 2008!'

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  1. Nicole said:

    Hey, I’d like to send you some picci’s after our ’09 party. It’s gonna big one this year!

    on September 6th, 2009

  2. Mark said:

    How do we send you pics of our Halloween night?

    365 Halloween Response: Through the magic of email. If they’re already online (Flickr, Picasa, etc.) just send a link.

    on November 14th, 2008

  3. Definitely not a spambot said:

    As a kid, few things are more anticipated than Halloween. Halloween brings trick-or-treating, and that means candy. Candy themed hedonism and bacchanalian excess are the norm, and also the sure fire sugar high and then crash, chocolate usually being the most sought after. However, some trick-or-treaters have gotten it down to a system in Sacramento, California. They’ve devised a hobo style chalk marking system where kids leave each other signals, like who is giving out candy or not, who’s drunk, and who is giving out the Holy Grail of Halloween candy: the full size candy bars. That would have saved many kids a lot of time.

    on November 5th, 2008

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