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OCTOBER 22, 2011

Long Beach Zombie Walk Aims for Guinness Book of World Records,
Partners with Long Beach Comic Con!

DATE: Saturday, October 29, 2011
EVENT: 2pm -11:30pm

LOCATION: Downtown Long Beach Promenade to 7th and Pine ave

EXPECTED ATTENDANCE: 20,000+ Participants –Breaking the current world record of 11,000!

LIVE PERFORMANCES: Johnny Vatos’ Tribute to Halloween Featuring the Former Members of OingoBoingo ,
Local Live DJ’s and Thrill the World Flash Mob! More TBA!

For more information go to www.zombiewalklb.com

This is a MONDO CELLULOID event

Posted on October 22nd, 2011 in
Halloween Entertainment, Halloween Events, Halloween Fun, Site News by admin

One Response to 'Long Beach Zombie Walk'

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  1. Anthony said:

    You know what’s coming up that’s great for Halloween lovers? January 13th, 2012. Why? Because it’s Friday the 13th on that day! A perfect day to have a small indoor Halloween Party…esp since its winter, cold, and dark outside. January usually is a boring month with no holidays or fun things happening. Halloween 2011 has passed, but why wait 12 long months to throw on that favorite costume. The malls and TV stores have Christmas in July. Why not Halloween in January? Just something to think about on here for Halloween lovers. Plus all those indoor decorations people buy some that can be a little expensive like that growling popup witch that you might of bought for $50.00. Why should they sit in the garage for a year gathering dust? Just a shout out if anyone is sadden Halloween has past again and is looking for a
    “Halloween Revisited” party for their family/friends. There’s also a FT13 in April and July also hehe. Just felt like sharing that. Some people act that because the “assigned” day is over means you have to wait 365 days to enjoy Halloween again…so not true. Same for Christmas.

    on November 1st, 2011

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