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Doctor Snake Oil Costume Idea
Welcome ladies and gentleman to Dr. Snake Oil’s Internationally Acclaimed Traveling Exhibition of Medicinal Wonderment! Here you will find the most amazing tutorial, designed especially to show how you too can create a traveling Medicine Show costume! We’re reviving the classic Snake Oil Salesman that used to travel the country selling a magic elixirs along with a host of fantastic circus and sideshow acts.

It’s an easy one (like most of our tutorials) because we know you don’t have gobs of time or money to spend on a Halloween costume. So step right up and take a taste of Dr. Snake Oil’s magic elixir…

Posted on September 5th, 2008 in
Site News by Lauren

Scary Movies for Halloween and year round Whether you like em’ gory or silly, chances are you have some favorite “scary movies”. The ones you break out every Halloween season or just when you need a freaky mid-year fix. The ones that chill your blood and/or make you roar with laughter. We’ve already shared our favorites in the Top Scary Movie list, and now it’s your turn.

Dredge up all your spooky favorites then head over to the Top Scary Movies comments section. Don’t see your favorite movie listed yet? In about 2-4 sentences, let everyone know which scary movies are your favorite. We’ll add your reviews and the list will just keep getting better. With the Halloween rush almost upon us, we’ll be up to our eyeballs in creating new projects and contests for you; scary movie lovers everywhere (us included) could really use your expertise!

Posted on August 10th, 2008 in
Halloween Entertainment, Halloween Food, Site News, Spooky Art by Lauren

Mini Halloween in Summer The summer may have just started a few days ago, but we’ve always got Halloween on the brain. Judging by some of the comments that you have left recently, we’re not the only ones. Robin and G.Tischer got bit by the Halloween bug this June, while Ivey has been pining away since February.

Don’t worry Halloweenies, we’ve got just the solution. Why wait for October when you can have a mini Halloween any day of the year?

Posted on June 23rd, 2008 in
Site News by Lauren

in case of zombies shirt at Threadless
Contest time! Threadless has reprinted the In Case of Zombies t-shirt… for a second time! To celebrate, we’re giving away one of these awesome shirts to a lucky reader.

To enter, leave a comment and tell us what’s your zompocalypse plan? Will you head for an island or join the ranks of the undead?

Zombie Escape Plan journal We want to encourage some creativity so one killer entry will win a Zombie Escape Plan journal to chronicle their ideas. Thanks to zombie lover and Etsy seller ChristineRenee for donating this awesome handmade journal! Be sure to check out her store for more zombie goodies. Sorry guys, but this contest sponsor flaked on us so no journals. But never fear, we’re sending out surprise packs for Kevin & Rick that will be way cooler.

The shirt says ‘Zombies have difficultly moving quickly’, but this contest is a little more speedy. It runs from June 1 – 10, 2008 so you have 10 days to calculate a plan and share it with your fellow survivors. Good luck boils and ghouls!

We Have Our Winners!

  • Julie won the grand prize of an In Case of Zombies shirt from Threadless
  • Kevin & Rick each won a Zombie Escape Plan journal for their creative entries. We couldn’t decide between the two so we called it a tie.

Thanks to everyone for entering!

Boring Fine Print: One entry per person (IPs are logged, no cheating!). US residents only. T-shirt winner will be chosen at random. Journal winner will be selected on creativity and effort. Threadless doesn’t restock sizes so if they run out of the one(s) you want… we’ll figure out a good alternative. Be sure to use a valid e-mail address so we can contact you if you win. Your privacy is important and no one but 365Halloween.com will have access to your e-mail address.

Posted on June 1st, 2008 in
Site News, Zombies by Lauren

Low Sugar Halloween Cookies
Happy Leap Year, Halloweenies! Here’s a delicious Halloween cookie recipe that we’ve been saving since last year’s Halloween party. Put this extra day to good use and get to baking!

Posted on February 29th, 2008 in
Halloween Food, Site News by Lauren

I bet you thought we forgot about you, eh? Or maybe that we died from a fun avalanche on Halloween night? Nay, we have been recovering from one of the most awesome Halloweens in recent history:

Like good little Halloweenies we’ve been reminiscing over and sharing our photos, eating up the last of our treats, and… planning for next year! At most stores you’ll find Halloween items discounted like crazy, which is a great way to drive away the post-Halloween blues. (If you haven’t scooped up a 3′ skull-covered, faux stone funeral vase for $9.99, I would highly recommend it.) If you’re the list-making type like us, you probably found more than a couple ideas that you didn’t have time for, which means you have an entire year to breathe life into them by October 2008. Joy!

Now that The Big Night has passed for another season, things will slow down around here as we focus our attentions elsewhere. (I think I can hear the moan of holiday zombies already…) But never fear Halloween fan, we will still be updating year-round. Please creep on by anytime and drop a comment; those help keep us motivated!

As you can see in the slideshow, we had a killer Halloween season. What about you guys? What marvelous mayhem did you participate in? Tell us your stories, share your photos…

Posted on November 4th, 2007 in
Odds and Ends, Site News by Lauren
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