Contest time! Threadless has reprinted the In Case of Zombies t-shirt… for a second time! To celebrate, we’re giving away one of these awesome shirts to a lucky reader.
To enter, leave a comment and tell us what’s your zompocalypse plan? Will you head for an island or join the ranks of the undead?
We want to encourage some creativity so one killer entry will win a Zombie Escape Plan journal to chronicle their ideas. Thanks to zombie lover and Etsy seller ChristineRenee for donating this awesome handmade journal! Be sure to check out her store for more zombie goodies. Sorry guys, but this contest sponsor flaked on us so no journals. But never fear, we’re sending out surprise packs for Kevin & Rick that will be way cooler.
The shirt says ‘Zombies have difficultly moving quickly’, but this contest is a little more speedy. It runs from June 1 – 10, 2008 so you have 10 days to calculate a plan and share it with your fellow survivors. Good luck boils and ghouls!
We Have Our Winners!
- Julie won the grand prize of an In Case of Zombies shirt from Threadless
- Kevin & Rick each won a Zombie Escape Plan journal for their creative entries. We couldn’t decide between the two so we called it a tie.
Thanks to everyone for entering!
Boring Fine Print: One entry per person (IPs are logged, no cheating!). US residents only. T-shirt winner will be chosen at random. Journal winner will be selected on creativity and effort. Threadless doesn’t restock sizes so if they run out of the one(s) you want… we’ll figure out a good alternative. Be sure to use a valid e-mail address so we can contact you if you win. Your privacy is important and no one but 365Halloween.com will have access to your e-mail address.
Have a birthday or other event coming up? Kasey Smith recently staged an elaborate surprise birthday party with an awesome theme. “A yacht party to Angel Island that was infested with brain hungry zombies!”
I don’t know about you guys, but if I were the lucky victim of the surprise Yacht Club Yuppie Zombie Party I’d immediately elevate everyone involved to BFF status. That’s definitely the most elaborate and creative Halloween-related party theme I’ve ever heard of.
Do you think there were any survivors?

We’re starting out this special Zombie (Good) Friday with an announcement that directly affects how awesome Halloween will be for the next couple of years. Unlike 2007, Halloween in 08′ and 09′ will be falling on perfect party days: Friday and Saturday! Since school and work won’t get in the way for many of us, that will result in more of everything we love about the holiday. More events and parties, entertainment on TV and in theaters, and even more crazy costumes and various stuff from Halloween retailers. It’s going to be one hell of a Halloween, folks. If you’ve ever thought to yourself “one of these years I’ll go all out for Halloween”, then you’ll be in great company in 2008.
And now, onto the undead!
Our 2nd favorite pop culture site in existence, RetroCrush, interviews George Romero and (positively) reviews Diary of the Dead. Robert, the brains behind the site, can also be seen in Zombie Walk, which is in the running to be a special feature on the Diary of the Dead DVD. If you want to see Zombie Walk or any of the other contestants immortalized in DVD format, be sure to give them a thumbs up vote.
Are you hazy on the connections between the Living Dead movies? Not sure if the Italian “sequels” really came from Romero’s original films, or how the Return series fits into the big picture? And what’s with all the remakes? The Genealogy of the Living Dead movies diagram will explain everything. How did I discover this? Oh, I was just browsing reviews of every zombie movie ever made in the ENCYCLOPEDIA ZOMBICA at Analog Medium. There’s actually a lot of zombie related reviews and info there, so it’s well worth a visit.
Delving even deeper into zombie movie reviews is the aptly named 365 Days of the Dead blog. It’s an experiment where the author one watches and reviews 1 zombie film a day for a whole year. Wow. Razor sharp reviews and and lots of embedded YouTube videos make it a lively read. Keep and eye out for DotD contest entries, which provide lots of unique fodder in a sub-genre that’s dying for some fresh blood. ZING!
So enjoy the rest of your Friday, and remember that it’s never too early to start thinking about Halloween. Now that you know it will fall on a Friday this year, will that change your plans? Are you likely to put more effort into your costume, party, haunt, etc?
Thanks to Shawn Wall for use of his ghastly photo above.

It’s been a while since the last Zombie Friday, but I’ve got a handful of news that will satiate your hunger for the undead. Spanning film, design, zombie walks and more, it’s been a good week for zombie fans…
First up is an incredibly useful roundup of Photoshop tutorials for those of us with a darker artistic sense. 70 Horror, Blood and Gore Photoshop Effects and Brushes covers everything you’ll need to know to transform even the prettiest of photos into a decaying mess… but in a good way.
If you’ve been following the progress of George A. Romero’s latest zombie movie, you know that a release date for Diary of the Dead was uncertain until January. For a while it looked like it would be a direct to DVD release, but thankfully it will have a wide release on February 15, 2008. W00t! (As if that weren’t enough, Zombie Honeymoon will also be playing on Showtime around the same time. Talk about a bloody Valentine’s Day.)
There’s a new entry into the world of niche social networking websites, and this one’s actually useful. Crawl of the Dead has a section that lists Zombie Walks, allowing the undead hordes to better plan their attack. If you know of a local Walk/Crawl going on, please list it here. If you’ve never attended one, now you know where to look!
And because zombies and bad jokes were made for each other, I have a bit of cheesy humor for you, in Photoshop form: What do vegan zombies eat? LAWLS!!1
Know of a website that zombie fans would devour? Tell us about your online zombie finds in the comments below.
Hey guys, it’s Sean, remember me? I haven’t been posting very often, but rest assured I’ve been working behind the scenes. I’ve risen shortly to tell you about some Halloween flavored t-shirts newly available from Threadless.
The one that caught my eye the most is the Derby of the Damned, which portrays some girls you don’t want to go up against in your next roller derby match. Or would you? Either way it’s definitely a 365 Halloween favorite due to the great artwork, color, and zombie/of-the-damned theme. I’m sure the pink chainsaw had something to do with it as well. Be sure to snatch this one up quick as I’m betting it will sell out quickly.
For those that need more orange in your wardrobe there is the nicely designed When I Was Pumpkin shirt. It opens our eyes to what our skillfully carved jack-o-lanterns might see on Halloween night. Another shirt, that looks to be a hit with the kids, is the Imposter. With it’s simple skeleton theme and glow in the dark print it’s a great t-shirt to sport when you know you’ll be in some black lights, or just plain darkness.
For those that don’t know how Threadless works, t-shirts are printed when users vote for them highly. So in an effort to get some more Halloween type shirts printed we’d like to encourage everyone to vote for the design entitled Pumpkin Eaters. Check it out, rate it yourself and feel free to vote for some other designs you’d like to see printed on a shirt.
In honor of Resident Evil: Extinction hitting theatres, I declare today Zombie Friday. Since truly cool zombie news doesn’t happen every week this will probably be a bi-weekly feature, but we’ll see. If you have any zombie goodies to recommend for the next Zombie Friday, shoot me an e-mail (And do aim for the head… Zing!)
So you’ve just watched Extinction and you’re hungering for more zombie viewing? Visit Zombie Cinema and you can watch 70+ zombie movies and shorts. They’re all free and in the public domain so you don’t have to worry about the MPAA knocking on your door. Talk about flesh hungry ghouls…
If you’ve never listened to Pseudopod, an amazing horror fiction podcast, be sure to poke through their archives. Their topics span all corners of the horror genre, but there are a couple great zombie stories. I can’t stress how much you need to listen to Stockholm Syndrome; it’s creepy zombie fiction at its finest. Big Boy is also a good listen.
For more undead aural pleasure, Darker Projects has 2 great offerings. For a quick dose of horror there’s 5 Minute Fears, a collection of horror flash fiction. Several of the uber short stories are pretty unique and will suck you in, with topics ranging from evil clowns to the demon within. There is also an excellent audio version of the first book in David Moody’s zombie series called Autumn. The story itself is a lot of great setup but without much delivery at the end, however the reading at Darker Projects just about makes up for it. If you’d like to spend the weekend with your arm hairs standing at attention, Autumn makes a good companion.
Know of a website that zombie fans would devour? Tell us about your online zombie viewing or listening finds in the comments below.