Photo (c) GigapicFor those of you in the Northern Hemisphere, today marks the first day of Autumn. What’s so special about this day? The tilt of the earth’s axis makes the nighttime equal to the daytime. Everywhere on earth experiences close to 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of nighttime. Plus, there are now just 38 days until Halloween!
Click here to learn more about the magical story of the Fall Equinox.
With just 2 days left until Halloween there are spooky events everywhere! It may not be the weekend yet, but you could still spend the remaining days and nights going to haunts, pumpkin patches, and a vicious variety of Halloween events. Not sure what’s going on in your area? Here are some websites that will help you get your spook on no matter where you live.
Looking for some specific spooky fun?
Haunted Attractions range from amateur haunts in your neighbors front yard to huge haunted mazes created by the pros. Major cities usually have a handful of options, but smaller towns also have their share of events, too. Check out HauntedHouse.com for one in your neighborhood….
Since Halloween falls on a Wednesday, we might be tempted to throw in the towel after the last weekend of partying and spend the next few days thinking ahead to other holidays. That’s just crazy talk. We’ve got 3 more days to cram in as many Halloween themed events and entertainment as possible. Memories and inspiration from these final October days will help tide you over when Halloween 2008 is months away. Let’s soak up the last bits of creepy fun before the holiday zombies take over and things get all cheery.
For a really wide variety of events, GooGhoul and Eventful are the places to start. Citysearch and Cityguide are also useful resources, but with these last 2 sites look for “Guides” to Halloween rather than listings for individual events. It’s much …
Congratulations, Halloweenies: you’ve made it to the 99 day mark in the 2007 countdown to Halloween. Like your high school woodshop teacher, we’ve just unceremoniously dropped a digit, but in this case it’s cause for celebration. Just 3-ish more months until everything comes in shades of orange and black, scary movies are playing on every channel, and you can finally shed your 9-to-5 gear for that badass costume you’ve been working on for weeks. Good times!
We’ve been planning for the 2007 all year, and are getting really close to unveiling our new site design and this year’s theme as well as a casketful of articles. If you’d like to be alerted when we unearth everything, just subscribe to our feed. Also, 365 Halloween just moved over to a new server in preparation for everything, so if you see any broken stuff …
When was the last time you saw a creative use for a mini pumpkin? During Fall they’re usually displayed next to a bunch of other mini pumpkins, just sitting there and looking all tiny and cute. Or being painted on Kountry Kitchen-style or being made into kid crafts… Learn how to transform the little buggers into something cooler using these tutorials. Starting with a “ghost” white mini pumpkin you can make big creepy bloodshot eyeballs. I have a feeling we’ll make a bunch of these this Halloween to go along window sills, float in punch, and add interest to props.
For the more technically inclined, you might enjoy taking apart a bicycle tire …
I think it’s probably that other huge holiday that encourages the spirit of giving, but Ray from Raven’s Blight wants to share some Halloween freebies with you anyway. In addition to the 300+ spooky paintings, illustrations, and other artwork on display at his site, he also offers an ever-growing collection of free Halloween paper crafts. Using cardstock paper, you print out his intricate artwork, do some careful cutting and gluing, and you’ve created your own Hearse Playset, Deluxe Coffin Giftboxes, or Zombie Mask. There are tons of designs available beyond those, including other masks and playsets, board games, dice games, mini monsters, and book covers. It’s a fantastic resource for Halloweenies and those interested in “goth art”. The projects range from simple to “you’ll spend all afternoon …