Still deciding what to be for Halloween? Let’s see what ideas the Internet has so kindly assembled for us. First stop is American Apparel, the Los Angeles based manufacturer of tons of fair labor clothing items. Their super simple, single color clothes are perfect for creating costumes from. Seen to the left are the “nudist colony” group costume idea and a hipster “cyclist”. There’s a handy Flash based viewer on their site with several more costume ideas based from their clothing line, but you can easily use stuff from your own closet.
AA is also holding a DIY Halloween Costume Contest. Win $100 store credit with your own homemade costume or just rate all of the photo submissions.
Another fantastic resource is Polyvore. The site “lets you mix and match images from anywhere on …
The irony of a store bought hippie costume is that it’s brand new! Go to the source and you can create a stunning hippie costume with genuine vintage clothing. Thrift stores can usually supply everything you need but even if you want to shop online and don’t consider yourself a vintage buff, we’ll help you out.
Get inspired by some amazing vintage costumes ideas…
Want a really unique costume idea? Do you like the vintage look? The contrast of a black and white costume can create a really stunning visual effect and they leave lots of room for creativity.
Get some great vintage inspired black and white costume ideas here.
Remember the Yip Yip Martians from Sesame Street? Yep yep? Unh huh unh huh? Instructables user sliny shares a pretty easy tutorial for making this costume idea. It’s almost no-sew except for the mouth area where a needle and thread can be used. k7lim also documented a version of the Yip Yip costume on Flickr which makes for a great photo reference.
Below are some more completed DIY Yip Yip costumes for inspiration. Like the first image shows, this makes an easy group costume idea since you just need to choose different color “fur” for everyone. When making several at one time should be easy to set up an assembly line style of production. Although the idea comes from a kid show, this is definitely an adult costume due to the visibility. The black mouth opening uses …
Here’s a super easy tutorial that can almost instantly create a costume: a fabric mask. No sewing is required for these Carnivale/Mardi Gras style masks, just glue and the embellishments of your choice. Since it’s such a quick and easy project, it would also make a good activity to do with the kids. Maybe a craft idea for a children’s Halloween party?
For a full-face mask, try this tutorial with pictures for a paper mache mask. This method gives you endless possibilities and is more durable than fabric alone.
For inspiration, Faceless Autumn and Deviant Art’s The Mask Club have lots of creative examples.
Have you made your own mask? Show off your creation: leave a link in the comment!
Craftster user grenouille78 made an amazing costume for Dollar Store Challenge Round 2. The rules are simple: spending $10 or less, make something fabulous and hopefully totally unexpected out of items bought at a dollar store. The entries were all amazing, but grenouille78’s reimagining of the iconic Scarlett O’Hara spring dress is really inspiring. So what was used for this costume?
hula hoop
no-skid kitchen mat
green drawstring laundry bag
package of 200 coffee filters
shamrock garland
2 white tablecloths
package of garden stakes
2 water noodles
As we’ve mentioned before, the only thing you really need for a costume is some imagination. Even cardboard boxes and the clothes from your closet can be transformed into a Halloween alter ego.
Other entries into this contest that might help jump-start your Halloween planning;
Tea Party Hat
Hungry Monster Hoodie
In Case …