Spend this October working that devilish imagination of yours. Alexa is just days away from unearthing 24 Halloween craft tutorials in 24 hours. That should keep you busy until the Big Day. Alexa says they will be “quick and easy and very accessible projects. I’ll be covering everything from jewelry to decor ideas to fun food crafts to costumes! And all of the projects I make are something you can achieve in an evening, so it doesn’t mean you have to spend hours of labor slaving away on your crafts!”
Reader Debbie also let us know about her 2 newest craft tutorial projects: Crow Canister & Tray, and Vintage Look Halloween Decoupaged Decor. Bust out the glue and be sure to share the photos when you’re done.
Have you seen any amazing Halloween tutorials? Share your …
With just 2 days left until Halloween there are spooky events everywhere! It may not be the weekend yet, but you could still spend the remaining days and nights going to haunts, pumpkin patches, and a vicious variety of Halloween events. Not sure what’s going on in your area? Here are some websites that will help you get your spook on no matter where you live.
Looking for some specific spooky fun?
Haunted Attractions range from amateur haunts in your neighbors front yard to huge haunted mazes created by the pros. Major cities usually have a handful of options, but smaller towns also have their share of events, too. Check out HauntedHouse.com for one in your neighborhood….
Here’s a green Halloween craft project that’s simple, creative, and kid friendly. “Treat tubes” make a fun and DIY alternative to store bought treat sacks and can be used at Halloween parties or given to trick-or-treaters. They’re just big enough to fit things like fruit strips, candies, little toys, and mini Fair Trade chocolates. Plus, it’s a great way to use up all those TP tubes!
Just start with an empty toilet paper tube, fill it with small treats, wrap it in paper, twist and tie up the ends with ribbon, and add any sort of decoration you want to the outside. You probably already have all of the supplies needed such as glue, scissors, and of course toilet paper tubes. For embellishments you can buy store bought decor such as …
It’s finally here: our list of the hottest costumes for this Halloween season! We’re always one of the last Halloween websites to publish our Top Costumes list because we factor in a few more details that take time. You’ve probably noticed on a lot of these lists that the choices can seem pretty random. I mean Bacon and Eggs as the “hottest couple costume”? Poodle Skirt Girl as the most popular women’s costume? What the heck?
It’s been our experience that many of these lists are full of the worst sellers from last year and retailers are hoping to get that old stock sold quickly by labeling it a “top costume”. Other lists go just for the obvious choices like characters from blockbuster movies. Neither are very helpful when you’re looking for a great costume idea or are …
Gory decorations and pet costumes: how’s that for an unusual combination of themes?
The folks at Halloween Forum and Pet Butler recently let us know about the contests they’re running. They’re perfect for Halloween fans and Howl-o-weenies alike, so it’s time to get creative!
The first contest is hosted by Halloween Forum and the objective is simple. Create the scariest scene. All experience levels are encouraged to enter. So far there are simple entries like this yoga skeleton all the way up to a “blood” splattered bathroom like this chilling “Hot Dose” entry. 3 winners will be chosen and will receive prizes from BodyBag.
ENTRIES DUE: August 12, 2008
Full details here
The other contest is hosted by Pet Butler and …
It’s nearly July and the temperatures are already soaring. Sunburns and summer vacation are the hot topics. Time to put on some Risky Business sunglasses and head for the beach or a Slip N’ Slide or something… Wait… it’s 100 degrees out and you’re hungry for Halloween? So are we! Thankfully there’s no need to wait until October for Halloween. Our motto is “spooky Halloween fun all year long” for a reason: you can have a “mini Halloween” any day of the year.
During a particularly gloomy and muggy June day, we did just that. We spent the entire day in spooky makeup and outfits, making and eating Halloween treats, decorating the house in orange and black, freaking people out and watching scary movies.
In the morning …