Finally, Halloween Season is upon us! Fall is slowly creeping up, bringing down the temperatures and turning our thoughts to all things spooky and imaginative. Huzzah!
It’s been silent as the grave around here, hasn’t it? Never fear: there are some wonderful new changes in the wings that will mean lots more updates on 365 Halloween. Until then, now would be a great time to submit your clever Halloween ideas for inclusion on the site. Inspire other Halloweenies and show off your spooky skills by sending in your photos & tutorials.
So how are you getting into the Halloween spirit?Have you chosen your costume yet?
Leave a comment and let us know!
The Big Day is finally here, Halloweenies! The wait is over and we made it to Halloween 2008. And it’s a FRIDAY no less! How lucky are we? However you celebrate this magical day – in costume, watching scary movies, eating candy, scaring the kids, partying until the sun comes up – have fun and stay safe!
Remember to take millions of pictures and come back tomorrow to share your stories and photos. On Saturday the calendar will say November, but it’s always October 31st at 365 Halloween!
So how are you spending Halloween 2008?Leave a comment and let us know!
It’s finally here: our list of the hottest costumes for this Halloween season! We’re always one of the last Halloween websites to publish our Top Costumes list because we factor in a few more details that take time. You’ve probably noticed on a lot of these lists that the choices can seem pretty random. I mean Bacon and Eggs as the “hottest couple costume”? Poodle Skirt Girl as the most popular women’s costume? What the heck?
It’s been our experience that many of these lists are full of the worst sellers from last year and retailers are hoping to get that old stock sold quickly by labeling it a “top costume”. Other lists go just for the obvious choices like characters from blockbuster movies. Neither are very helpful when you’re looking for a great costume idea or are …
It’s nearly July and the temperatures are already soaring. Sunburns and summer vacation are the hot topics. Time to put on some Risky Business sunglasses and head for the beach or a Slip N’ Slide or something… Wait… it’s 100 degrees out and you’re hungry for Halloween? So are we! Thankfully there’s no need to wait until October for Halloween. Our motto is “spooky Halloween fun all year long” for a reason: you can have a “mini Halloween” any day of the year.
During a particularly gloomy and muggy June day, we did just that. We spent the entire day in spooky makeup and outfits, making and eating Halloween treats, decorating the house in orange and black, freaking people out and watching scary movies.
In the morning …
We’re starting out this special Zombie (Good) Friday with an announcement that directly affects how awesome Halloween will be for the next couple of years. Unlike 2007, Halloween in 08′ and 09′ will be falling on perfect party days: Friday and Saturday! Since school and work won’t get in the way for many of us, that will result in more of everything we love about the holiday. More events and parties, entertainment on TV and in theaters, and even more crazy costumes and various stuff from Halloween retailers. It’s going to be one hell of a Halloween, folks. If you’ve ever thought to yourself “one of these years I’ll go all out for Halloween”, then you’ll be in great company in 2008.
And now, onto the undead!
Our 2nd favorite pop culture site in existence, RetroCrush, interviews George Romero and …
Since Halloween falls on a Wednesday, we might be tempted to throw in the towel after the last weekend of partying and spend the next few days thinking ahead to other holidays. That’s just crazy talk. We’ve got 3 more days to cram in as many Halloween themed events and entertainment as possible. Memories and inspiration from these final October days will help tide you over when Halloween 2008 is months away. Let’s soak up the last bits of creepy fun before the holiday zombies take over and things get all cheery.
For a really wide variety of events, GooGhoul and Eventful are the places to start. Citysearch and Cityguide are also useful resources, but with these last 2 sites look for “Guides” to Halloween rather than listings for individual events. It’s much …