This conceptual “bloody table” design by French designer John Nouanesing would make a killer Halloween decoration. It’s not available for purchase, but you could probably make your own version.
Either start with an old table you already have and remove the legs or get a piece of plywood. Attach some skinny wooden dowels as table legs. For the blood effect try liquid latex or spray foam (expanded polystyrene). Around the edges of the table it looks like craft foam might be the best option for easy shaping.
But as with all DIY Halloween projects, there are probably many methods of making it look amazing. Just experiment and see what you come up with. If you make your own Bloody Table, leave a comment and …
Every home haunter can use help transforming their walls and doors. Faux cobwebs and black trash bags can only go so far, right? Not very many pre-made options exist, and none of them look as cool as these Dramatic Double Doors. Phantom Moose Films shows us an easy tutorial using cardboard, a glue gun and some spray paint. They needed this prop for a castle scene in one of their short films, and necessity was the mother of invention. Isn’t that always the way?
Good luck with the project and have fun storming the castle!
Let me guess. You’ve been spending your summer vacation making gory Halloween props and really accurate vintage Halloween decorations. Wait, that’s Sleepy Hallow Props and Dead Tree Halloween, respectively. These creative Halloween lovers let us know that their eBay stores are already in full swing. Check out their creepy offerings…
Canada based Dead Tree Halloween hand makes each of their vintage inspired Halloween decorations. But they also go the extra mile by incorporating vintage design elements and materials into the ornaments:
“All of our ornaments are handcrafted in our studio using materials that would have been available in the 1920’s & 30’s, or as close to it as possible. We also incorporate as much actual vintage material as we can find. All of our Dresdens are made by a company in Germany …
Remember about a month back when we talked about making your own mad science lab? We mentioned artist Alex CF and his cryptozoological retrofuture art pieces. At the time, none of his amazing creations were available for sale, but he currently has a new piece on eBay! Check out the level of detail that was put into this strange artifact:
“Contained in this large unique display case are the preserved embyronic alien, and a piece of the wreckage from the craft. In the small draw space are other paraphanalia linked to this cover up – alien implants found on board the craft, their obvious goal was to be inserted into the bodies of abductees. a stack of papers regarding MAJIC 12, illustrations of the craft and the aliens themselves, the newspaper from the fated day, …
A creative Halloweenie can transform a treasure trove of creepy old artifacts into perfect decorations for a Halloween mad scientist party. Where to find such dastardly tools for your mad science party? Read on…
If you’ve never made the acquaintance of Madame Talbot, you are in for a treat. Madame Talbot’s “Victorian Lowbrow” is like an e-curio cabinet, brimming with “one-of-a-kind gothic death-themed creations”. Entering their online store is like stepping back to a time when science was nearly synonymous with magic: when a few leaches and a mixture of alcohol, opium and a little sugar cured all that ailed you. As you navigate through the endless, eerie categories, you’ll be greeted with circus freak shows, folklore creatures of the night, southern Gothic, traveling medicine shows and archaic Victorian funeral practices. Sounds fun, doesn’t it?
They offer “unique dark art”, much of which is produced by Ashleigh Talbot herself. A skilled pen-and-ink illustrator, she creates such wondrous art as tombstone paintings mourning dolls, and …