Whether you’re throwing a Halloween party for the kids or hosting the neighborhood’s haunted house, Slacker’s got your back (even when it gets scary).
Slacker has four free stations to make this Halloween the spookiest yet. In addition to the main Halloween station (updated for this year), Slacker also has three new stations: Indie Halloween, Kids’ Halloween and Halloween Sounds.
Get the party started with Halloween on Slacker Radio. We cracked open the crypt to bring you the most terrifying tunes this side of the graveyard. You’ll hear creepy classics, freaky film scores and eerie effects to put a chill in your bones.
Indie Halloween:
It’s often hard to tell the difference between costumed revelers and sullen hipsters. For this reason, Halloween is the most indie-rock holiday of the year. On this station, you’ll hear Indie artists singing about blood, death, bones, ghosts, pumpkins and other loosely-related Halloween topics….