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zombie friday @ 365 Halloween
It’s been a while since the last Zombie Friday, but I’ve got a handful of news that will satiate your hunger for the undead. Spanning film, design, zombie walks and more, it’s been a good week for zombie fans…

Zombie and horror effects in Photoshop First up is an incredibly useful roundup of Photoshop tutorials for those of us with a darker artistic sense. 70 Horror, Blood and Gore Photoshop Effects and Brushes covers everything you’ll need to know to transform even the prettiest of photos into a decaying mess… but in a good way.

If you’ve been following the progress of George A. Romero’s latest zombie movie, you know that a release date for Diary of the Dead was uncertain until January. For a while it looked like it would be a direct to DVD release, but thankfully it will have a wide release on February 15, 2008. W00t! (As if that weren’t enough, Zombie Honeymoon will also be playing on Showtime around the same time. Talk about a bloody Valentine’s Day.)

Find your local zombie walk There’s a new entry into the world of niche social networking websites, and this one’s actually useful. Crawl of the Dead has a section that lists Zombie Walks, allowing the undead hordes to better plan their attack. If you know of a local Walk/Crawl going on, please list it here. If you’ve never attended one, now you know where to look!

And because zombies and bad jokes were made for each other, I have a bit of cheesy humor for you, in Photoshop form: What do vegan zombies eat? LAWLS!!1

Know of a website that zombie fans would devour? Tell us about your online zombie finds in the comments below.

Posted on February 1st, 2008 in
Halloween Fun, Spooky Art, Zombies by Lauren

2 Responses to 'Zombie Friday: Good Week for the Undead'

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  1. NECBYTER said:

    wow love this write up. thanks so much for the 70 Horror, Blood and Gore Photoshop Effects and Brushes.
    I have every intention on putting them to use. grrrrrrraaaaa.
    Please stop by my site i have some animations i have made. i think you may like. If there is anything i can do for you, please dont hesitate to ask. thanks again.
    ps: saved you as a favorite

    on March 5th, 2008

  2. ivey said:

    Promised my husband I’d wait until at least May to begin my “annual Halloween obsession”. I lied. The things we do for love. *sigh*

    Thanks for the validation… I loves me some Halloween fanatics!

    365 Halloween Response: Don’t worry Ivey, we won’t tell. Welcome to 365 Halloween, where you never hear “isn’t it a bit early?”. Be sure to come back and let us know how your 2008 plans are coming along.

    on February 5th, 2008

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