2010 Halloween Festival
Start and End Date and Times: Two Weekends – Oct, 22, 23, 24 & 25
Hours: Fridays, Oct. 22 & 29 – 6PM to Midnight
Saturdays, Oct. 23 & 30 – 2PM to Midnight
Sundays, Oct. 24 & 31 – 2PM to 10PM
Event Title: Halloween Festival
Event Description: A howling good time for the fearless and fearful alike. The haunted hayride and haunted barn will scare your pants off. Afraid of the dark? There’s plenty to do for everyone inflatable rides, pony rides, games, food, afternoon hayride, non-scary Kiddie Funhouse, palm reader and tarot card reader. All ages can enter the costume contest Saturday night, the 30th . Cape Fear starts here !
Location: Historic Poplar Grove Plantation , 10200 US Highway 17 North, Wilmington , NC , 28411
Admission Charge: Free
Additional Information: This is an annual event, the 29th year and held the last two weekends in October.
Halloween Festival – Photos
Halloween Festival – Video
Web – www.poplargrove.com
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