Remember when your artistic endeavors were proudly displayed on the refrigerator? And remember when you got called in to the principal’s office because of your disturbing drawing of a zombie eating the brain of an alien? Now you can combine your, uh, talents with these macabre and monster poetry magnets by Magnets de los MUERTOS.
Not only is Trick ‘r Treat finally being released on October 6th, but you can win a copy of the DVD from Dread Central. After 2 years of this movie being locked away in the studio vault, this is a highly anticipated Halloween movie. Some reviewers are even calling it the ultimate Halloween movie. What do you think?
Britta’s annual live Halloween party webcast is coming! Tune in on Saturday October 26th, 2013
Make this Halloween season easier on …
Whether you like em’ gory or silly, chances are you have some favorite “scary movies”. The ones you break out every Halloween season or just when you need a freaky mid-year fix. The ones that chill your blood and/or make you roar with laughter. We’ve already shared our favorites in the Top Scary Movie list, and now it’s your turn.
Dredge up all your spooky favorites then head over to the Top Scary Movies comments section. Don’t see your favorite movie listed yet? In about 2-4 sentences, let everyone know which scary movies are your favorite. We’ll add your reviews and the list will just keep getting better. With the Halloween rush almost upon us, we’ll be up to our eyeballs in creating new projects and contests for you; scary movie lovers everywhere (us included) could …
I love horror movies. Always have. From the time I was old enough to watch them (which was a lot younger then I would admit to my parents). As I got older I came to appreciate the classics as well as some of the new ones that came out. However, as a young man I came to the impression that women in these films weren’t good for much more than running, screaming, falling down, and dying. Well, they could take their shirts off in just about every 80’s horror movie out there, but aside from that there were, and still are, a lack of strong female characters.
As a social justice educator I tend to look at horror movies and the women in them in a bit of a different way then I did as a kid. …
We’re starting out this special Zombie (Good) Friday with an announcement that directly affects how awesome Halloween will be for the next couple of years. Unlike 2007, Halloween in 08′ and 09′ will be falling on perfect party days: Friday and Saturday! Since school and work won’t get in the way for many of us, that will result in more of everything we love about the holiday. More events and parties, entertainment on TV and in theaters, and even more crazy costumes and various stuff from Halloween retailers. It’s going to be one hell of a Halloween, folks. If you’ve ever thought to yourself “one of these years I’ll go all out for Halloween”, then you’ll be in great company in 2008.
And now, onto the undead!
Our 2nd favorite pop culture site in existence, RetroCrush, interviews George Romero and …
Hey Halloween discount seekers, I have a few sales and coupons for you;
Buy Costumes Blowout- Use coupon code clear25 to get 25% off all clearance costumes. They’re already marked way down so if you’re looking for the absolute cheapest costume, this sale is for you. Expires October 15, 2007
Costume Craze- Use coupon code GET5 to get 5% off all orders. Expires October 31, 2007
Illuminations- All Halloween items are 25% off (no coupon needed), shipping is free on orders over $75, plus get 15% off your order total with this link (again, no coupon needed).
One Step Ahead & Leaps and Bounds- On either site you can use coupon code HAUNT10 to get $10 off orders $75+ that include one or more costumes. Expires October 21, 2007
The Big Horror DVD Sale- …
Blog updates have been a little sporadic lately because we’ve been slaving away in our dungeon creating pages such as the List of Top Scary Movies.
Like we mentioned earlier, October is obviously the month when everyone wants to watch lots of scary movies. We’ve made it quick to find the scary movie you’re in the mood for by breaking them up into easy to scan categories. What are my favorite categories you ask? Thanks for asking. I tend to search through the Zombies and Horror Comedy first, but it’s hard to go through October without watching a few Cult Classics.
This list is big, but by no means exhaustive. We need your opinions on what you think should be added to the list! We will definitely update it throughout the year, …