The folks at Threadbanger never disappoint. The hosts Rob and Corinne plus all the budding Threadbangers in the forums are always full of unique DIY project ideas. With October half way over, they’re kicking into Halloween mode and unleashing another series of spooky video tutorials on us. Here’s a preview of what’s to come…
And here’s the first video tutorial for 2008: a Wicked Witch Costume. With some basic sewing skills you can transform some old clothes you aren’t wearing anymore into a super ruffled, super stylish witch costume. And what witch would be complete without her hat? Using some wire, interfacing and scrap fabric you can make a custom hat to your own bewitching specifications.
Plus more from last year’s Threadbanger tutorials;
DIY Fairy Wing…
Halloween food is largely about the visual appeal, that’s why all of our recipes come with pictures. Every spooky, “gross”, creepy, and healthy recipe has been tested and given thumbs up by our panel of ravenous ghouls (a.k.a. hungry friends and family)… so you know it will be good.
Learn to make unique and healthy Halloween snacks that are vegetarian and vegan friendly and everyone at the party can enjoy.
A delicious and simple Halloween recipe for Mummy Dogs with Green Goo. This vegan/vegetarian friendly Halloween recipe is sure to please at your next Halloween party.
Learn to make an award winning Mummy Costume easily and for cheap. These simple instructions and tips have won numerous costume contests.
Homemade Frankenstein Costume Tutorial: how to make a Frankenstein costume from scratch and for cheap. How-to on: clothes, makeup, hair, neck bolts, and of course attitude.
Making Halloween costumes is pretty much our favorite part of the season. Here are some How-To tutorials from our costume collection, but we would love to add yours to the list, too! If you’ve created a unique, fun, or otherwise awesome costume, please contact us and tell us how you did it. Your costume might be featured on 365 Halloween and could inspire fellow Halloweenies across the globe.
Zombie Costume
Homemade Mummy Costume
Dr. Snake Oil Medicine Show Costume
Homemade Frankenstein Costume
(Really Vintage) Hippie Costumes
Suit …