The folks at Threadbanger never disappoint. The hosts Rob and Corinne plus all the budding Threadbangers in the forums are always full of unique DIY project ideas. With October half way over, they’re kicking into Halloween mode and unleashing another series of spooky video tutorials on us. Here’s a preview of what’s to come…
And here’s the first video tutorial for 2008: a Wicked Witch Costume. With some basic sewing skills you can transform some old clothes you aren’t wearing anymore into a super ruffled, super stylish witch costume. And what witch would be complete without her hat? Using some wire, interfacing and scrap fabric you can make a custom hat to your own bewitching specifications.
Plus more from last year’s Threadbanger tutorials;
DIY Fairy Wing…
Fright-Rags was created for one simple reason: the owner, Ben, wanted cool looking horror shirts! He started in September of 2003 and up until that point there weren’t too many shirts out there that impressed him. Of the ones he did like, everyone seemed to be wearing them. What’s a horror hound to do? “As a way to let off some creative steam, I started working on my own ideas and posted them on various forums I was a part of to see what people thought of them. Well, apparently I wasn’t the only one that wanted something different as many others liked what I was showing. Based on that alone I ordered my first three designs with money I didn’t have (i.e. credit card) and spent Labor Day weekend designing and building the first ever …
With Halloween about a month away, seasonal chain stores are popping up everywhere. They’re definitely a fun experience, but feel a little sterile, a little canned. Don’t you wish a Mom and Pop Shop of Horrors would show up instead? That’s just how Los Angeles based The Mighty Squirm describe themselves and their online store of creepy t-shirts. Lovers of chilling design, Thea and Daniel create spooky detailed original illustrations and put them on high quality cotton shirts. Many of them glow in the dark and come on organic cotton, too! Their company is named in honor of their daughter and so there are plenty of creepy-cute kids shirts and placemates to choose from as well.
One aspect we really like is that all of their designs are free of text. As The Mighty …
Contest time! Threadless has reprinted the In Case of Zombies t-shirt… for a second time! To celebrate, we’re giving away one of these awesome shirts to a lucky reader.
To enter, leave a comment and tell us what’s your zompocalypse plan? Will you head for an island or join the ranks of the undead?
We want to encourage some creativity so one killer entry will win a Zombie Escape Plan journal to chronicle their ideas. Thanks to zombie lover and Etsy seller ChristineRenee for donating this awesome handmade journal! Be sure to check out her store for more zombie goodies. Sorry guys, but this contest sponsor flaked on us so no journals. But never fear, we’re sending out surprise packs for Kevin & Rick that will …
Hey guys, it’s Sean, remember me? I haven’t been posting very often, but rest assured I’ve been working behind the scenes. I’ve risen shortly to tell you about some Halloween flavored t-shirts newly available from Threadless.
The one that caught my eye the most is the Derby of the Damned, which portrays some girls you don’t want to go up against in your next roller derby match. Or would you? Either way it’s definitely a 365 Halloween favorite due to the great artwork, color, and zombie/of-the-damned theme. I’m sure the pink chainsaw had something to do with it as well. Be sure to snatch this one up quick as I’m betting it will sell out quickly.
For those that need more orange in your wardrobe there is the nicely designed …
If you visit Threadless then you know that getting a reprint of a shirt can be a long awaited event. Some designs are just really popular and sell out quickly, but even so it can take a while to reprint. That’s why when we saw the In Case of Zombies shirt reprinted as of yesterday, we snagged a couple for ourselves. Look at all the zombie bashin’ action!
PS-This shirt may help you get ready for the Zompocalypse, but you can also increase your chances of survival by creating a Zombie Preparedness Kit.
August Update: Check out this awesome reconstructed top made from the ICOZ shirt (scroll down a bit)