Looking for more original horror t-shirts to add to your collection? Fright-Rags has a good selection of well designed horror shirts of your favorite cult classics, creature features and slasher movies. These shirts are exclusive to Fright-Rags so you can’t get them anywhere else.
Being a huge zombie fan, I was initially drawn to the Obey (zombies make great social commentary) and Johnny shirt that says the classic line “They’re coming to get you Barbara!” Oh how right Johnny was. I also admire the simplicity of design on everyone’s cult favorite Ash (from Evil Dead), and Frankenstein.
I’m also …
Homemade Frankenstein Costume Tutorial: how to make a Frankenstein costume from scratch and for cheap. How-to on: clothes, makeup, hair, neck bolts, and of course attitude.
Making Halloween costumes is pretty much our favorite part of the season. Here are some How-To tutorials from our costume collection, but we would love to add yours to the list, too! If you’ve created a unique, fun, or otherwise awesome costume, please contact us and tell us how you did it. Your costume might be featured on 365 Halloween and could inspire fellow Halloweenies across the globe.
Zombie Costume
Homemade Mummy Costume
Dr. Snake Oil Medicine Show Costume
Homemade Frankenstein Costume
(Really Vintage) Hippie Costumes
Suit …